Sunday, April 13, 2008

who'd of thought...

I am amazed to say the least... as I have just returned from a "church" service at the Center for Spiritual Living. Do they call it "church"? I don't know - it didn't feel like any church I have ever been to. I felt so welcomed but mostly... just at home. I was a bit nervous and apprehensive at first. I wasn't quite sure what I was getting into... was it a cult? were their eyes glossed over? NO! They were just normal people who gathered together for strength and community. We sang, held hands, and listened to the reverend's story. His message was clear to me - we are who we are, each of us unique in our individuality, and each of us a part of the puzzle that adds to the power of the universe. It dawned on me - at how much I hide, because I don't want to be seen. For if I put myself out there, if I am authentic... I'm sure to be scrutinized, judged or made fun of. I can't bear the pain of being a disappointment - made to feel stupid - or the brunt of anyone's joke - so I conform... or withdraw... would that be guilt???? yes - I think so. But I left the service inspired to be more, inspired to take back that power that I have given away for so long, inspired to be more authentic and inspired to be more accepting of who I am. I know what feels good. I know what feels right. And it is so!

1 comment:

Madley said...

I'D a thought :) Lovely to hear...